Friday 31 August 2012

Practically a Triathlon winner

dog eats standing up in own box
Oldies! Next episode in the saga about obstinate old people stubbornly not facing reality!
Grandma and Granddad have accepted they need to move into assisted living accommodation and have requested brochures. It's only taken 3 years.
Joy O joy - the last day of the month, and a Friday to boot!
So why, O why, I hear you cry, are my spirits raised so high?
Nanna made me a special advent-style calendar for August where every day was represented by a small paper envelope with varying amounts of moolah. My task was to open one envelope per day and record the pecuniary bonus contained therein. At the end of the week I had to add up the total of sovereigns of the realm. And this morning the final envelope spilled its golden guts and I had to add up the weekly loot totals to get myself a grand final coinage total for the month.
On the spot Bud taught me a fiscal columns and numbers method of adding them up and I was carrying the 1s in no time. £24. 48p! I now have to ring her up and quote my nuggety total - if I get it right, I collect the cashpot, kerching kerching, think of how many Lego Ninjagos I could get.....
Anyway, I was so excited I missed my step on the stairs and bumped down 3 of them on my little bottom. This is only the second time ever I've done that.
Today at daycare I shall swim twice! Well, the second is my normal swimming lesson... all I have to do is run somewhere and it's gotta count as a triathlon, right? So in the morning we strolled to Victoria Park where we did a treasure hunt with tasks and quizzes and hiding in bushes. I had to find 5 pinecones and 5 different kinds of leaf and so forth and my team won. On the way back we stopped off at Guildhall Square where the giant TV had the Paralympics and there was a roped-off area where we could try out the 3-wheeler disabled wheelchairs that they use in races. I was fast but couldn't steer properly. One of the teacher-helpers is called Russell but we call him Brussels Sprout, he doesn't mind, honestly.
At proper swimming - I moved up a level to Yellow Hat! This means I will be in the next group up from those measly beginners. I was feeling extremely victorious and Bud was too after convincing his parents to move and Jof was as well after finding out that John Lewis had a wool sale (even if it was for the same wool she had already bought at full price) so we celebrated by buying a lottery ticket.
Life is a blast, I recommend it to anybody.

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