Tuesday 11 June 2013

Cowa Bunga Bunga Party

spelling mistake funny euthanize youthanize
Somewhen during last night one of our roof slates detached itself from the roof and plummeted to its doom on the pavement below. Sadly there were no Jehovah's witnesses plotting the takeover of the world so the house avoided a murder charge. 
junior armoury project weaponsHappy welcomings to my latest new disciple!
Today it rained so Bud borrowed a large hi-vis jacket from a builder at school pickup time, he looked like one of those chaps with ping-pong bats that direct aeroplanes into their parking bays.
The builders have sanded my ceiling so that means lots more plaster dust in my room, my bed was crunchy last night so Jof went into hoover-overdrive. But they've also plastered lots more, plenty more walls to paint! I'm artistic as well as a multi-talented polymath so spent ages making a secret spy pistol out of pipecleaners and a disc destroyer that's good for killing but is still in the design stages, bronze build at most. I have also soft-tooled some warning signs with the bloke getting struck by lightning, one of my favourite signs along with man losing fingers to propeller and hand getting mangled in cogs.
We all really need an early night and I had a decent-sized huffsulk in the shower when he caught me washing the wall again. My orders are clear - wash'n'leave. So mostly I sing and then wash walls. How on earth do they know I'm lying?

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