Monday 2 March 2015

Going for Gold!

how long does the baby have to charge up kid failWell, it might be Monday. It might be March. But all that really matters is that it's opening night for the Year 4 production of "Going for Gold"!
We've been practising for weeks and lots of my top buddies have major roles but I had the most lines, probably because Miss M noticed I can't keep my trap shut.
There were songs! There were dances! People forgot their lines! Children of limited attention spans fidgeted and gurned! Everybody was epic!
To be fair, it was a triumphant production as led by us senior Thesps and some of the songs went on a bit, but you try and organise an all-inclusive for 90 kids and see if you can do better than the ever-bouncing Miss M.
As with all these things, everybody in the Year Group has to have a role so there were quite a lot of dancers, villagers and choir.
going for gold school play We went live to the Swift household where a man dressed as an undertaker reported that champion athlete Suzie had pulled out of the games.
My job was to persuade her to re-enlist by explaining the origins of the games, while Mildred offered tea, Dad was recalcitrant and troubled teen Porsche got in the way and then we whizzed back in time for some Spartan shenanigans.
Gods various insulted each other, Finlay was Poseidon with a fishy body odour issue and Hades stirred up trouble with planted swords and a whisper in the Elephant.
Eddie and his family lifted various farm animals for weight training and there were musical interludes aplenty. Did I mention that I had the largest part? Well anyway, I prompted Ingrid a few times but I'm sure nobody noticed.
Owen and Eddie were perfectly cast as Spartan Rent-a-Thugs and the guy at the front in the striped T-shirt was so pleased to be there, he kept waving to Mummy while standing on one leg which was only marginally successful.
mrs overalls impression and gurning kids in school play productionI did some leg-rubbing during my lengthier speeches and at one point Bud made advisory eye-contact with me as I was swaying from side to side while declaiming.
Zeus remembered his rap at last which is good going because he's got the second largest part in the performance, after me of course, know what I mean ladies.
Ben and Braddles had an epic slow-motion race to the Chariots of Fire music and I always support him but in the script he loses.
The ancient Greek Funk-dancers came on and Pops was best.
At the end Ben did the thank you for attending speech and it was all over, after 58 minutes (as athletics trainer, I have a stopwatch). But then, Mr Burble the teacher came on and added another 8 minutes of effusive congratulatory speeches. Jof gets to watch our last performance tomorrow.
After all this excitement, I don't know what we're going to do for the rest of the term, might have to resort to actual schoolwork!
In Scouts we can't enter the football tournament because there's not enough of us, and I got a Community badge for visiting the Mosque. That makes 7 badges that Jof's got to sew on. Bad mummy.

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