Tuesday 28 April 2015

Got Wood?

fuck and luck rhymes with duck kindergartenWell, it was nearly a good day. We had a 'Good Try' which is where we have to write a poem without warning, in this case about a random war. I may not be Wilfred Owen but I had a game stab at rhyming jungle warfare and even drew a picture of a captured POW strung up, having his chest cut and with a lever next to him labelled High Voltage, not that I've seen the Rambos or anything.
wood and cardboard for scout campfireI took in my Dumbledore wand and the Gringott's coin collection and I was just about to do my show'n'tell when we ran out of time because everyone was talking.
Why is it that Faith got to display her manky dolly or whatever it was, and my important stuff misses out?
After school we did the giant unloading thing as before. The car was full of dead pallets again and some coffins and boxes and tubes so we filled the garage and I used the multiple-tube rocket launcher to bring down some enemy helicopters. He destroyed the pallets and filled the coffins with oodles of naily wood while I got bonus Minecraft time, but we did get to gymnastics on time.

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