Thursday 21 January 2016


Yet another normal day in which my team won 4-1 in Dodgeball, and the lady from my theatre group came back to my school as a visiting French teacher, I guess her speciality is Dramatic French, ooolala. I got one of the 3 'Star Pupil' awards not because I am a convincing Francophone, but because I bothered to look up words I'd forgotten in my notes from earlier lessons.
heavenly wang engrish funny name failGrandad rang to say he'd been diagnosed with 3 cancers, he always has do outdo everybody else. The doc says he can have them lasered off though, gosh, it's crispy fried human 3 days in a row.
In Extra-Swimming we got taught to do breaststroke in a new way. Instead of going 'Stretch-Snap-Lubba-Lubba-Twist-Bang-Katanga', you now go 'Stab-Pull-Wave-Awooga-Awooga-Relax' and say Scooby-Doo to yourself and I found it difficult, because I've been Lubba-Lubba-ing all my life. But the pool was very busy and in the lane where Bud tries to do 91 lengths every week, a slow geezer was effectively doing 45 in the fast lane with a big queue building up behind him and Bud crashed into him and he shouted lots and it's all echoey in a pool so everybody stopped and looked.
But then I found a new online game called Poop Action in which you poo on passers-by from a great height and they fall down and lorries fall down and crash into them and you get points for death-by-poop. I mean, srsly, what more does a healthy young boy need (apart from choc bics)?

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